Posts in motherhood
5 Ways To Take Care of YOU

Since becoming a mother, I’ve learned I am dead dog last on the priority list of people.   I secretly day dream of someone in my immediate or extended family noticing this. After taking notice they extend an offer to let up on their demands or let me escape to take care of me. Then reality hits, I wake up and I remember the cold, hard truth. They don’t. They won’t. I need to take care of me! So my darling friend if you find yourself in the same place, here are my top five survival skills.

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Five Blessings of Being a Parent

No doubt the most fortunate and crucial gift we have been given is this opportunity to raise and share life with our 2 sons. Without further ado, I want to share with you my top 5 blessings of being a parent. 

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lessons learned

It’s been over 20 years and I have an even bigger appreciation for my parents now that I am married and have 2 kids. We all are doing the best we can, aren’t we? Life can be tough sometimes, but through that toughness, what lessons are YOU learning? What kind of lessons did you learn from your parents? 

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Why I'm catching up.

Capturing little moments with your children using simple memory keeping.

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{passing it down}
{dancing with the devil}
{deliberate in motion}
{comparing & complaining}

And I can no longer stand for the Mommy woes.  I can only tell you that if you are one, make the most of it.  Rest when you can. Lift up other Mamas when you can.  Invest in your children. Take breaks when you need to.  But STOP COMPLAINING about them and your role.  There is power in the who they are now and the who they will become.  And you have a hand in that.

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{keeping memories}
{like snowflakes}
Battling Perfectionism in Your Child
{evidence of life}
{joy in the twirl}
{the score of us}
{a teensy PSA}
Build believers, teacher.