Styling into the weekend
Join me on the gram as I post super looks I’ve spotted throughout the week.
Frugal Fashion Inspiration
MY words pressed
I think it’s the consonants-vowel combos that seem to know me best. Their jumbled successions spill out story and make more connection for those who who hope to feel and to find. I’m grateful this duo continues to captivate me as I tap-return on the keyboard of life. To read more about my love of story of letters jumbled, visit here.
Parenting Summer Series
Hold me.
“Me in my nightgown marveling at the little boy who has my heart and so many others too. I pray often that you find strength in the greatness that God has intended for your life. That your story telling and people reaching bring glory to His name. And, that you seek greatness too. In others. In yourself. In learning. In love.”
ignite hope
Floodlight joy.
Eyes open = Heart full
It all comes down to choice. What keeps your heart occupied? What directs your next steps? The spinning sphere in which we live upon is filled with fun house mirrors and wobbly rope bridges. Our management of time and gifts becomes all too back stage as we attempt to just make it through to the next day time & again. My intent for this space is that you find a little light and feel a little wiggle room. I hope you’ll jump on the wobbly bridge with me as we work to re-focus our lens to reflect more JOY for ourselves and for others.
Celebrating creativity
championing 2nd chances

A little jam session
Take what you need most.
Tap on the lyric below for a little pep rally. We all need one every now and then.