celebrating simply.

Last week was a big one.  Our Rudy turned eight.  It's very hard to believe that the youngest in our home is now officially just 24 months away from double digits.  Time, you are speedy quick. There are big notions inside me that cast shiny copper pennies into the well of life wishing for the clock to tick its tocks a wee bit less. And then there's this entirely separate sector of me rejoicing in the soundgood it feels to really be in the thick of parenting young men.  They make jokes.I laugh.  Well, at the ones that aren't bathroom oriented.  They giggle at mine, too, on occasion.  Equal parts laughter & love are moving our family of 4 now more than ever. Long gone are the days of diapers.  They've been replaced with talks about friendships and just what it is that your dreaming today.  

So last Thursday we made a mad dash for eight with our boy in the way that felt just right for this season of family.  We opted to celebrate simply.  We chose to enjoy just exactly what life for our Casey Face is all about.  It was the first year Kenny & I did not make a homemade cake for our boy.  But somehow, the store bought cupcakes purchased the night before by Mom-Mom, served us so very happy & well.  They were tasty.  And Rudy had way more than one which is always a bonus when turning eight. Next to potato chips, cupcakes run a close second for the Face.

This boy loves to move. And he loves his b.  So my heart will always skip a gushy beat each morning that he drags this blanket out swaddled in his arms while rubbing his eyes awake. He wanted lots of soccer last Thursday. Outside in between school sessions, neon yellow streaked across our backyard.  He commentates.  He scores.  He defends.  He coaches.One v. one.  Casey gladly handles all.

Celebrating simply for our foursome involved a surprise from Mama & Daddy.  An evening trip a good stretch down the road to gift our boy movement.  Jumping.  Flipping.  Dodge balling. Climbing.  It was worth the drive. It was worth money.  We gifted him us & him. Not just a toy. I liked this so very much.  And I loved even more that Casey received this gift as if we had the biggest box of goodies wrapped just for him.

Our evening finished with cheeseburgers and Casey's love language, french fries & Fanta orange drink.  The four of us. Celebrating simply the gift of our Casey McGill to this world.  This boy. Oh, this boy. He has big plans.  And I am honored to be just a little part of moving him more into the man God has carved in him to be.

{week 49: my 2 in 52}