Cake is Good.

Cake is good.

I mean really good.
The above is my made up recipe.
I tend to do that from time to time.
Just kinda throw things together and then see how it all pans out so to speak.
It's a spin off from the Tuxedo Cake I made from this post.
There's little chance of a bad turnout when you frost with homemade heavy whipping cream-cream cheese frosting, you know?

Yes, cake is good.
But it's so much better...
when shared with friends!

Here is Sarah from The Richest Life and Kenny.

Sarah, Tyler, and Garyn invited us over for dinner one night last week and all we had to do was bring dessert.

Let's see...hmmm....okay!

Garyn is about 6 months younger than Casey face. He has THE coolest playroom right off their kitchen. Toys galore, train table, and would you just look at that supersize window! The lighting in that room is perfect for the best photos.

Speaking of best photos...

I aDoRe this one of Garyn I captured. He looks so happy to have his buds over at HIS house!
Then there's my E-man who is a bit over me up in his club with the camera. You can't tell at all can you?
Ummm, the Face too for that matter. "Are you serious? Again? Get that stinkin' camera OUT of my face, mama!" I can only imagine that is what's transpiring in that ole noggin as I snapped.
The meal was superb. Chicken-Guacamole Tacos with pineapple and spanish rice.

So yummy my mouth is watering as I type this post.

The evening was just what our family needed. A chance to unwind and relax with great friends and let the kiddos have a blast together too. Kenny and I were anxious to hear about Tyler's mission trip to Honduras from which he had just returned.

Yes, cake is good.
But the friendship and good times with great friends is so much better!

.mac :)