
Oh, here comes Peter Cottontail...
hoppin' down the bunny trail.
Easter's on its way!

Yes, Miss Mollye is ready for Easter. With 4
(count them 1-2-3-4)
Easter egg hunts to attend, she just had to have more than one Easter egg hunting outfit. Remember
Well cute as it may {mollyemade} be, a girl just can't be caught dead wearing the same Easter egg hunting outfit to all
Easter egg hunts,
you know.
And she has to do a little something different with her hair too.

Meet {mollyemade} Twins.
Shown here in
Goody, Goody Gumdrops
Available on website reeeeeeal soon!

Those Twins are gonna look so happy in that Mollye's platinum hair.
Hair compliments of my brother (the Casey gene pool)
{molllyemade} Twins compliments of Aunt Meghan (the mollyemade gene pool)

And who cares if she even finds one stinkin' egg when she has an outfit like this.
And shoes like this:

Oh yeah, that competitive mama of hers will.
But enough talk about egg hunting...
Hippity-hoppity that outfit above is on its way...
.mac :)
****Edit to add. ****
Completely unplanned, you
go check out what Mollye's mama posted
There's proof!
1. Mollye's mama has just a tad bit of winner-i-tis!
2. {mollyemade} is even cuter on!
3. That niece of mine is a so adorable I could stick her in my Easter basket!