
 1.  Casey McGill is into making jewelry.  He dives into my buttons and "looks for treasures" he says.  Then with a snip-snip of the twine, he creates lovely wears.  One would think this necklace is for me.  You know, "M" for "Mama" or "Meghan", but that would be a fat no.  He wears it.  When asked what the "M" around his neck stands for, he replies with, "Mama's Mine." {insert heart swell here}

2.  I am in love and head over heels with my glasses.  I want to wear them all the time.  These glasses were just to ease my astigmatism.  You know, to wear when sewing and driving at night.  Nuh-uh.  These bad boys are becoming my crack cocaine.  

3.  My sister-in-law, Melissa, just recently brought over an entire bag of castaway make-up products she has tried once or twice and no longer wants.  Do you know this is like Christmas for me?  The contents vary from lipsticks, to concealers, to lip and eyeliners, to brushes, to eye shadows, to foundations and powders.  Hallelujah for cast offs.

4.  This print I have in my studio rocks my ever lovin' world.  I stare at it.  Sometimes, I even salivate when I look at it long enough.  I often wonder why anyone ever invented pastel colors.  

5.  I made overnight french toast casserole.  Um, wow.  It's like doing your taste buds a favor.  I made a 9x13 pan and then a 8 x 8 pan.  By the next day, the 9 x 13 pan was 'toast' and all that remains is the 8 x 8 pan.  I ate 2/3 of it myself.  Honesty really is the best policy.

6.  I wear a retainer every night.  It is the same retainer I have had since I was 20 years old.  It lives inside that yellow container you see.  I cannot sleep without it. Kenny is a lucky man to lie down with me every night. I promise my teeth shift if I do have a night's slumber sans retainer.  I may be a little obsessive.  Once I left it in South Carolina at my sister-in-law's house.  I made her promise that she would NOT look into the yellow container, before mailing it. THAT'S how nasty this thing is. 

7.  The Nantuckett pillow by k.Mac has become very popular.  I have made almost 40 so far.  Shown here is the one that lives in our house.  Worried that it's a pillow too pretty to use?  Let me put your mind at ease.  Our pillow has had grape juice and popsicle spilled on it thus far.  It never fails that it is the resting spot for either boy at our home during wii time.  As in, they sit straight down on top of it.  Grr.  And, check it out.  Still rock solid.  

8.  I just recently was given one of my most favorite pictures that belonged to my Mom-Mommie.  It was a picture that hung in her formal living room over the fire place.  Before that, it hung in her home as a child.  As a little girl, I loved to star at this picture.  It is vibrant and alive to me.  My Dad-daddy gave it to me on my last visit down to my hometown.  I am so honored to have it.  It will always bring me such sweet memories of their home and my life their as their granddaughter.

9.  I am wearing a collection of memories around my neck these days.  I have decided that although accessories are for aesthetic value, they also are for memory keeping.  I have chosen to forego what's "in" and proceed with what I love.  The necklace is a dainty 14 kt. gold link.  It was my Mom's.  She wore it all the time with a tiny cable car charm.  The filagree heart is the first charm ever given to me by my very first boyfriend.  I was 16 years old.  His name was Bobby Smith.  His memory serves as such a sweet reminder to me.  Bobby was such a jubilant soul.  His life was taken at 19 years old.  I wear this heart to serve as my wake up call.  When life bogs me down, when I want to "be ugly" as we call it in our house, I remember Bobby.  His life was short, but he made the absolute most of everyday smiling and spreading happiness to others.  Finally, the feather.  It sways to my left.  It is a charm fashioned by my mom from a pair of earrings.  The other earring-turned-charm belongs to my maid-of--honor from my wedding.  Hers sways to the right.  I received this charm when I was 12 years old.  Tammie was 18.  She was my idol growing up.  I wanted to be just like her.  She was strong and amazing on the basketball court.  In my little girl eyes, Tammie was everything beautiful to me.  What started out as her being my basketball mentor, turned into a lifelong friendship.  She gets me like no other.  Mom gave us the feather charms at the beginning of our time together.  She said the feather was to remind us both that "Even Dumbo could fly with a feather."  Confidence.  I still need to be reminded.  

10.  Coconut oil.  Yep.  I am cooking with it and slathering my body with it too.  Why?  Refer back to #9, please.  Do you see that crunchy looking chest?  My mother-in-law says it's good for me.  I'm going with it.

11.  k.Mac has a handmade rewards card!  You receive 40% off your 13th purchase.  Nice, huh?  I try to be.  I want clients to know that I appreciate them choosing k.Mac; that I appreciate their investment in me.  Purchases have to be $30.00 or more to count towards your rewards card points.  I have several clients almost ready to claim their 40% off too!  

12.  Laundry.  Clean.  Been in the basket for 2 days now.  It's funny how I move the basket from room to room in attempts to actually multi-task and fold it while doing something else.  Yeah right.

There you have it.  My rhythm.  My now.

.mac :)