
beginning Lots of new things happened for us this Christmas season.  The brand spankin'-ness of the holiday is always there to me. Finding pockets of space blessed for different is most cherished & anticipated even. And I like that.  I enjoy the opportunity for fresh to snuggle right in with the traditions we so very much call our particular family's own.  That's the neat part about family. Traditions and most coveted memories are so very unique to each families' composition.  Beginning really is about building on the best of your people.

advent tree

The boys and I created our very own advent ornaments to co-inside with the scripture readings of Christmas.  Each day we have been reading, discussing and creating.  I cannot think of a better gift to give them as well as myself this holiday.

Christmas celebrating is chock full of sparkle and pizazz.  Holiday warm hot chocolates sprinkled with glistening peppermint flakes, twinkling Christmas light scenes to drive by on cold winter nights, gobs of goodies to munch, crunch & enjoy and really fun tacky Christmas sweater parties where you dress as a life sized tree are, without a doubt, eminent reminders of this season's joy & jolly. But as a Mom, I want to make sure that my boys know that Christmas is the most natural of gifts.  One heavenly created and given with a most unselfish kind of holy. One that lights up our insides not just our out.

I plan to share with you in the new year an advent ornament tutorial along with the daily scripture verses that match to each ornament.  It is my hope that this tutorial will swirl-wake the inner creative of your family.  Much like this new gifting tradition we began on December 1st, the love of together is very alive & real.  Sometimes it just takes a little re-invention to be reminded of this great joy of life. From our family to yours, we wish you a wonderful Christmas Eve full of building on the best of your people!

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To read all posts from this {bringing to Christmas} series, visit here.