

pink sunset{our backyard sunset- Sunday, 9.22.13}

Last night came to a close all too soon.  Sundays always seem speedy, don't you think?  Swish-swashing sounds filled up our home as clean sheets would soon be ready to put back on beds of three. Mountainous mounds of laundry to be folded always awaiting my attention. Yes, Sundays sneak off behind Monday's trees much too swiftly for us all I would imagine. Another week gone.  Another week ahead.  The gristle of this reality leaves a hustle in my heart that I'm just not sure how to handle.  Sundays are for soft.  They're for savoring the slow.  And, all too often, I find myself stealing sweetness away from this Sunday of mine.  Only to hurry into the bounding busy of the next row on the calendar.

I wrote last week.  I wrote real, and I wrote hard.  I gave myself the gift of getting it out.  Giving it up and growing within.  To some this sounds silly.  It sounds super-sensitive.  It may seem a bit dramatic or corny even.  But, not to me.  For I stepped out, and simply shared. In pieces parts, I gave life to my everyday through words.  I chronicled time I can never get back.  I exhaled the innards of me as best I knew how in truth. And, for that?  For that I am so very grateful. Writing is primitive to my person; it grounds me in the good and the God I so dearly love.


And, I thank you.  Thank you so very kindly for your the blessings of your words.   I heard from so many of you through emails, private messages and even Facebook comments. My truth raw, goofy & real meant something to you. Knowing that I was able to somehow reach through this prodigious space of media, and help someone re-charge, relate, rest easy or chuckle ridiculously at my memories is just one the heartstrings of why I choose to share myself here in this space.

Because in this fast paced, post-it, share it, tweet it, repeat it, like it, friend it, follow it media land which is rapidly becoming our lifeline for connections, we have 2 choices.  Build up or bash down.  And, it is my hope that this place of mine helps build.  For sunsets sink behind trees faster than ever before.  And, this life is too short for holding in what we could all have a little more of for hope growing.

Yesterday evening I stopped amid what felt like 1 million things I had to do before lying my head on my Monday-waking pillow, and I watched the Artist above all artists paint the glorious sunset you see above.  I had such a feeling of warmth and security soak into me.  And, in that very moment I was thankful for His magnificence brilliance.

brilliance:  n. {great brightness of light; vividness in color}

And as Monday's trees stole Sunday's soft,  I gladly accepted the challenge to find this brilliance in my walk this week.  Maybe it's my way of rectifying the race of Sunday laid to rest.  But, this week I will search out and take note of the teensy or towering.  Moments of great light & vivid color will not pass me by.  I plan to share some of these moments with you here.  I would love for you to join in whether it's a simple scroll through read or comment left connecting yourself with me.  And, should you wanna find your brilliance this week as well?  That would totally rock.  I had one of my most beautiful friends take the 7 day writing challenge with me last week. She simply posted her daily words with picture to her Instagram and Facebook statuses.  I absolutely loved reading the way her mind wrapped wholesome & real around her memories.  Whether you choose to document, publicize or promote, I care not.  My hope is that this week you find the light that makes you smile, and make note of it. Because building up is the choice all of us need from one another.  The calendar rolls and the hustle is upon us.  Find your light this week.  I plan on doing just the same.  

find your lightA wave of media meant to build up not bash down.  I like that.  I like that a lot. 

Thanks for reading me, peeps.

.mac :)

p.s.  Candace Crabtree, you are the winner of last week's candle giveaway.  Contact to receive your nose happy!


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