The Visitor


boys' reading Pace is making his presence known.  With a touch more knuckle, he continues to knock on the door of my heart.   His repetitious rhythm is most defined. With the flick of his wrist against my wooden entry, he alerts me.  Stop.  Settle down.  Seek.  Soak in the worthy.  My toes meet his on almost a daily basis.  Face to face on the welcome mat of me, he asks to come in.  So very hesitant at first, I make use of the excuses I know best.  I am so busy.  Not today.  Oh, we're about to leave.  Maybe next time. But Pace?  He is persistent.  He's that door-to-door salesman determined to meet quota.  The commission of my better is well worth his tireless efforts.

I am shifting with his presence.  With each "How do you do?" and "Come on in" I am learning.  Pace settles in and begins rearranging the inside of me.  Time takes over new spots. Broader & bigger than before.  Timelines and to-dos find cubby holes smaller and more proportioned. Room for rest is being created. Yes, Pace is picking up the pieces of my presence, and designing my space for the beautiful things.  I am reassured by him quite often that schedules are important.  For they are the managers of minutes.  The massive skeleton of allotted time.  Pace pats my back as if to affirm my quest for the get-dones & the check-it-offs.  And, yet, with the other hand, he leads me to look more closely at the vital organs housed within my skeletal scaffold.   Are you nourishing the important or are you clinging to the bones busy at task mastering?  What is being fed?  Skeletons have no use if there's nothing inside them to hold.  For empty happens when you chase the checking-off and neglect the nurturing.  Pace always knows just how to say it best each time we talk.

rudy reading

This one is tender.  He grows outwardly in all that he does.  He needs the world just as much as the world needs him.  Tenaciously, he tackles life.  He tackles it hard and happy.   A fire lighter.  A joy spreader.  Motivated for more and all the time.  He finds his strength in the one who came before him.  His promise keeper; his best friend.

eli reading

This one is a leader soft & quiet.  His intensity is innate.  He believes in you. His loyalty is his lifeline. Sporadically, he exists.  Problem solving & pretending. He knows the hurt in others without even having to see it.  His intuitions never fail him. He teaches the tender one.  He looks up to his best friend in so many ways.  His person is so very tied to the ones who sleeps across the hall.


Yesterday morning Pace made a visit.  Impromptu, we sat a spell to catch up.  There, on the playroom floor with the window wide open for sun catching, we nourished the vital.  Passion growing was fed.  Carpet was curled between bare toes and there was lots of Jack the cat cuddles while worlds of pretend on pages were explored.  The tenaciously tender and the intensely loyal read quietly side by side.  No checklists.  No hustle.  Pace and I soaked in the worthy.

.mac :)

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