{winter weekend away}

winter weekend
winter weekend

The weekend is here. Ahh, time to change up schedules for just a bit.Peace out, homeys.  I will be absent from my 4 walls of home for the collective time of Saturday & Sunday.  There's a long awaited road trip that has my name all over it.  And this trip?It involves girls.  Some of my favorites to be exact.  With the number of hats I wear, oftentimes, there's little room for happy stints of girly-esque.  I am the worst at over-working and under-enjoying.  Before I climb on the couch of therapy and get too comfy with that character flaw of mine, let me offer you some research I found on friends.  Here, in this New York Times article, it states that friendships are one of the critical keys to a healthier, longer life.

Now, I know this. I know how I feel once I've been with my happy people.  My insides are more gushy.  My body feels more full & strong.  Even my patience seems deeper.  Not to mention, my mood is heightened & on the lookout for joy a bit more once I return..  I feel refreshed doggonit.  So this year I am working on making time to set work aside and find balance with family and this little oh person called me.  Guilt,oh she is a hussy.  Me and her throw down on the regular too.  I'm making it a crystal clear point that she and her nasty sidekick with wearing the ugly lip gloss, Shame,know that they are NOT INVITED.

Um, so I don't go out of town much on my own.  And when I do, I get all kinds of jacked up. Ensemble preparation starts immediately.  I'm pairing pants with blouses and earrings like a beast & full throttle the week prior.  Oh, the little closets of my mind go bananas yanking hangers and snatching shoes.  Wheee!  And the elementary school teacher in me is CUH-RAZY about a theme. So for this girly trip, I'm going black & white. It's a huge kick I'm on. I blame Kate Spade.

Then the wifey & mama bear side of me starts thinking about her boos she's leaving behind. I'm not gonna lie.  My heart starts to miss them already.  I think that's called love.  For this one, I blame Kenny Cobble.  So I do what only comes natural when I live in a house full of men who require food constantly.  I bake.

I kept thematic with my cookies.  All professional expert party planners use this trick.  I blame Martha Stewart.  I doubled the recipe as I wanted to take some for my homegirls.  This recipe is, by far, my favorite chocolate chip cookie concoction.  Not too hard and not too soft.  Delish.

Chocolate Chip Cookies

1/2 cup shortening

3/4 cup packed brown sugar

1/2 cup sugar 

2 eggs

1 teaspoon vanilla extract

2 cups all purpose flour

1 teaspoon baking soday

1 teaspoon salt

1 bag of chocolate chips

1/2 bag of white chocolate chips {optional}

Cream shortening & sugars until creamy; add eggs and flavoring and mix well.  Pre-mix dry ingredients and then add to wet mixture.  Stir in chips.  Make small balls of dough and place on cooking stone.  Bake at 350 degrees for 10 minutes. {yields 4 dozen}

black and whites 850
black and whites 850

I am pinning this recipe over on my dessert board on Pinterest.  Feel free to snag or share it if you like.  Pinterest is genuis.  Where else can you shop for a $700 pair of shoes, complete 18 home improvement projects, plan for a party right down to the striped straws and bake desserts that increase your pants size 3 fold all while lying on your couch in front of the TV feeling completely uncreative and worthless?  May your weekend be filled with rest, a little rockstar and a whole lotta love.

.mac :)