{black & blue}

Red.  Let's talk about it.  Never mind the fact that this post is entitled black & blue.  I'm most interested in the color of my blouse.  Are you a red gal? I'm all about it these days.  It's vibrant without having to be.  It's the cousin to coral.  Need I say more?

Red is supposed to evoke notions of power within your system.  From inward to an outward sorta way.  You know it's like saying "Boom, y'all. I.am.here."  But without the crackle sparks and smoke.  No firework mess to clean up.  Just some confidence all up in a color palette.

I like it.  I'm a wee bit mesmerized by this hue.  Coca-cola uses it.  Target does, too.  And, well, branding has been on my mind as of late.  I actually wore this get-up to a local American Women's Business Association meeting where I spoke to some super fine ladies about using Goodwill as a primary clothing source for clothing your family. I'm a talker by trade.  Born in me.  Hardwired to gab, you see. So I figured I better use it for something good. To learn more about my guest speaking, visit here.  Anyway, I had a super great time at the AWBA shindig and quite possibly ate my weight in cooked carrots.

Now, let me see here.  Oh, yes.  Black & blue.  It's a rad trend these days.  Has been for about a year, I think.  This supercalifragilistic idea of pairing these two neutrals together well trumps the "when in doubt wear khaki" in my book any day.  So, yeah.  I went for it.  I'm betting you remember these skinny jeans from this post. Ahh, you might just need a teaser to test out that link:

skinny jean guide
skinny jean guide

Which one are you?  I'm a hitchhiker.  An this isn't my first rodeo with black & blue.  Guilty.  Here's the evidence, bailiff.

Outfit Details:

  • skinny jeans:  $8.49 Old Navy clearance
  • gray booties:  {worn here & here} FREE!  A gift from my sister-in-law.
  • red shirt:  $2.99 Goodwill Lerner brand
  • black swoop vest:  $1.99 Goodwill
  • rhinestone broach:  great grandmother's
  • rhinestone necklace:  great grandmother's
  • leg warmeers:  FREE!  Gift from my mother-in-law

Total Outfit Investment:  $13.47

And just like that, "Boom, y'all. I.am.here." In red.  In black.  And in blue.And have I mentioned in cheap?  Gosh, I love a good Thursday.  Upped my game quite considerably from last week.  Eye make-up'll do that, you know.

For the love of the eighties, please catch up on this #shinshow action, would ya?

To read all Cheap Thrills Thursday posts, visit here.