I'm here, and it's Thursday.  Holy mother of pearl, I love a Thursday.  Thursday is like the icing sitting glopped up awesome inside a cream filled donut or the crispy crust around the edges of a pie all flaky and breakable in your hands.  The skin on a deep fried turkey.  Honey colored. Crackily good. The first run in a new pair of shoes. What?  After donuts, pies and turkey skin, you better believe I'm running.  I'm 38.  Gravity happens.Metabolism doesn't.

It's also my day of cheap thrills here in this fantastical zip code in cyberspace.  If you're not familiar with my new kinda Thursdays, get on outta here and read up.  Then meet back for more. I'll wait here with my donut & pie.

Stripes are in, people.  Get your horizontal or your vertical, cats.  Me?  I love a stripe.  There's something about 2 colors that twirls my ponytail and tickles me pink.

Who am I kidding?

  1.  I rarely wear a ponytail due to my lack of quality time in front of the mirror of hair prepare.
  2. 2 colors don't do me.  All the colors on my person at once do.  
  3. Punky Brewster is my kinfolk.

The pieces in the outfit above from Goodwill:

  • striped shirt:  $2.25
  • GAP leopard print peep toe wedges:  $1.00
  • braided belt:  $.25


But stripes? Play on, playa.  I think the Fugees say it best.

(One time, one time) Singing my life with his words

(Two times, two times)

They're killing me softly.  So I came at them again with a different record spin.

Aw, naw.  Big girl done gone and made it a dress.Yep.Why?Because I can.Why?Because I'm still 7 and wear shorts under my dresses.  Mixing prints & offset colors  is all kinds of happening hype right now. {insert Bohemian high-five here}  I love the mustard yellow fuh-ringe booties.  My husband:  notsomuch.  The navy polka dotted scarf {$.10 Goodwill} was a super fun add-on for me.  Oh, and allow me to introduce you to my father's knees.Heredity.is.awesome.

Fashion does not have to be freakishly fancy.  It also doesn't have to be freakishly expensive. It does, however, have to be freakishly you.  Enjoy what you choose to wear.  Think outside the box every now & again.  And, by all means, stay 7.  Wear those undershorts, ladies.  The jungle gym will be yours. All day. Erryday.

Some side notes:

  • sunglasses make a great headband. 
  • squinting into the sun is the by-product of said headband.

I feel you've been informed.  

See you next Thursday!

Donuts, pies and turkey skins 'til we meet again.

.mac :)